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This course surveys and applies the use of qualitative methods, especially interview-based research, in order to maximize the insight that informs and activates the innovation process, with emphasis on technological innovation.

Prerequisite(s): Not open to non-degree graduate students.

Distribution: Social Science General Education course

Information Technology (IT) Innovation, Bachelor of Science

The IT Innovation (ITIN) program involves the study of entrepreneurship as it relates to IT and an individual field of interest. Courses in this degree program are listed in the catalog as IT Innovation (ITIN).

College of Information Science & Technology

CREATE COMMUNITY:  Our faculty, students, and staff create community as we cannot shape technology without others. INSPIRE DIVERSE VOICES:  The inspiration of diverse voices is our focus because the strongest communities empower all members, not just the majority. SHAPE THE FUTURE:  The work our faculty, students, and staff do with and for these diverse communities shape the future. TEACH LEADERSHIP:  We teach leadership as we cannot shape the future without creating more leaders.