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An illustrated lecture course dealing with a limited topic in the field of art history. The course may be coordinated with an external event such as an exhibition, publication or study trip.

Prerequisite(s): To be determined by the instructor based upon the preparation required for an adequate understanding of the material of the course. Lab fee required.

LGBTQ/Sexuality Studies Minor

LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer)/Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the identities, experiences, and social positions of people often referred to as sexual/gender minorities. The field also examines sexual behaviors, identities, and communities as sex plays a key role in many people’s lives. LGBTQ/Sexuality Studies has origins in many disciplines, including anthropology, art, English, history, media studies, psychology, public health, sociology, theatre, and women’s and gender studies, among others. The field includes topics such as: identity formation of non‐heterosexual sexualities, non-binary gender identities, health and well being of sexual/gender minorities, cultural groups, the politics of identity, and representations of queer lives in popular culture. This minor acknowledges that sexuality is an important distinguishing factor of our lives on par with race, social class, and gender.