Master of Fine Arts Writing (MFAW)

Master of Fine Arts Writing Graduate Courses

MFAW 8700  RESIDENCY SESSION (3 credits)

A ten-day colloquium presenting lectures, classes, workshops, readings and individual conferences with seminar faculty. Taken 4 times, the Residency Session ends one seminar session and begins the next. The session affords students intensive contact with faculty and peers before returning to their writing projects.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to MFA in Writing program. Permission of the Program Director. Not open to non-degree graduate students.


The Graduation Residency Session is the final residency for MFA students who have successfully completed their seminars and creative thesis. In the ten days of this residency, students will give a graduating lecture, "mentor" new students in their first residency, and give a reading from their thesis. A graduating ceremony will cap their activities during this session.


An eight-day creative writing symposium-style course presenting lectures, workshops, readings and individual conferences with faculty. The Enrichment Residency affords advanced writing students additional intensive contact with published and apprentice writers to reinforce and enrich their life-long commitment to the art of writing and to the continuing development of their craft.

Prerequisite(s): MFA Program Director's permission. Must have completed MFA/PhD with writing emphasis. Writers with MA in English and emphasis in writing, or writers with an extensive background in writing may also be considered. Not open to non-degree graduate students.

MFAW 8820  POETRY SEMINAR (6-12 credits)

An individualized course in poetry writing. Taken 4 times, the required seminar offers practical instruction in writing and criticism. Using distance technology, student and instructor work through independent projects designed to sharpen the student's writing skills. Each student will compose both original poetry and critical analyses of poetry by other writers preparatory to submitting an original book-length manuscript of publishable quality by the final semester.

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the MFA in Writing Program and permission of the MFA Program Coordinator. Not open to non-degree graduate students.

MFAW 8830  FICTION SEMINAR (6-12 credits)

An individualized course in fiction writing. Taken four times, the seminar offers practical instruction in fiction writing and criticism. Using distance technology, student and instructor work through individualized writing projects designed to sharpen the student's writing skills to a professional edge. Students will compose both original fiction and critical analyses of fiction preparatory to submitting an original book-length manuscript of publishable quality by their final semester's work.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of Program Director. Not open to non-degree graduate students.

MFAW 8840  NONFICTION SEMINAR (6-12 credits)

An individualized course in nonfiction writing. Taken 4 times, the seminar offers practical instruction in writing and criticism. Students will compose both original nonfiction and critical analyses of nonfiction.

Prerequisite(s): Permission of Program Director. Not open to non-degree graduate students.


An individualized seminar in playwriting or screenwriting. Taken 4 times, the seminar offers practical instruction in playwriting/screenwriting and criticism. Using distance technologies, student and instructor work through independent projects designed to sharpen the student's writing. Each student will compose both original scripts and critical analyses of scripts by other playwrights or screenwriters preparatory to submitting at minimum a full-length script, a one-act script, and a ten-minute script by the final semester.

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the MFA in Writing Program and permission of the MFA Program Coordinator. Not open to non-degree graduate students.


An advanced writing semester for those who want assistance launching a new writing project or have a degree in one genre and want to pursue study of another, such as fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, young adult, playwriting, or screenwriting.

Prerequisite(s): Corequisite: MFAW 8720. Permission from Program Coordinator required.