This course offers an up-to-date coverage of the contemporary and emerging concepts, models, techniques, and methodologies, and/or the current research results in the fundamental areas of theoretic computing. The course will examine advanced research topics in computer science and engineering, including foundations of automata theory, computability, complexity analysis, computational logics and algorithmic analysis, hybrid dynamic systems theory, number theory, adaptation and learning theory, concepts and principles in computational geometry, stochastic processes, and random optimization. Each topic will be discussed with a perspective of research issues and directions. Active student participation in investigation of the research topics, survey of the current state-of-art, and identifying the future research insights is required. Students will take turn presenting their research results on specific topics. Topics to be covered by the course will vary in different semesters.
Prerequisite(s): The prerequisites of this course vary depending on the areas to be covered in the semester the course is offered. Good standing in Ph.D. program is required. Permission of the instructor may be required. Not open to non-degree graduate students.