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Search Results for "ISQA 8210"


This course should encourage you to think critically about aspects of software development that make it difficult and strategies to mitigate these challenges. This course integrates concepts from software engineering, management science, psychology, and organizational behavior to identify, understand, and propose solutions to problems associated with software development. We examine and consider issues from various perspectives, such as the project manager, development team, senior management, and project sponsor. This course prepares students for various roles within a software development effort including leadership positions in software development. Students will practice software project management and agile methods of managing projects in a semester long team project using contemporary project and development methods.

Prerequisite(s): Admitted to MS in MIS or instructor permission. Prior knowledge assumed in SW development & relational databases - ISQA 8040/ISQA 4110 & ISQA 3310/equivalent and in web development - ISQA 3900/equivalent. Not open to non-degree graduate students.

Business Administration, MBA and Management Information Systems, MS (MBA/MIS)
In today's context of globally integrated and interdependent businesses, ubiquitous information technologies, and a mobile workforce, it is critical that graduate education provides students opportunities to develop integrated business and technology skills. The primary purpose of this dual degree program is to provide this integration by enabling students to complete the MBA and MS in MIS degrees simultaneously. This track is designed for dedicated students who are willing to take on the challenges related to graduate education from two perspectives—business administration and management information systems. As such, this program involves intensive preparation in both business administration and information systems and a specialization in an area that combines both backgrounds. The dual degree program requires a minimum of 55 hours of course work beyond foundation requirements. Students who wish to pursue this option must work closely with an adviser to develop an integrated plan of study at an early stage. Students who complete the dual degree program will receive two degrees, two diplomas, and will have both degrees recorded on their transcript.

Management Information Systems, MS
The Master of Science in management information systems (MIS) degree is designed to give students the skills and background needed to develop and manage an organization's information resources, technology, and infrastructure. It will serve as a source of added knowledge and experience for MIS graduates and practitioners interested in obtaining an advanced degree. It will also provide career growth opportunities for the non-MIS and non-business degree holders who find that their careers demand graduate level MIS education. The MS in MIS prepares students for a variety of positions, including applications and web-site developer, computer network manager, business system analyst/manager, consultant, and technology manager. The MS in MIS also prepares students for admission to doctoral programs in information systems. A community advisory committee helps keep the program current with the needs of the business community.  The MS in MIS pr o gram is a STEM designated program ( CP code: 11.040 1 )