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Search Results for "MATH 4400"


Introduction to finite elements methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. Theoretical foundations of finite element methods for boundary value problems, approximation by piecewise polynomial functions, variation formulation of partial differential equations, basic error estimates. The Rayleigh-Ritz-Galerkin method, convergence of approximations, time-dependent problems, error analysis, discretization and computer implementation, applications to problems in elasticity, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. (Cross-listed with MATH 8406).

Prerequisite(s): MATH 1970, MATH 2050 and MATH 2350 all with a C- or better or instructor permission. MATH 3300/MATH 8305 and MATH 4330/MATH 8336 recommended. Students should be able to use a programming language (ie MATLAB) to complete computational assignments

Mathematics, MS
Provide a strong program of course work in mathematics beyond the undergraduate level and Be flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of student interests and backgrounds. There are no required courses in the program, but students are strongly encouraged to develop an emphasis in the courses which make up their individual plan of study; such an emphasis provides both focus and depth in the graduate experience.

Mathematics, MA
Provide a strong program of course work in mathematics beyond the undergraduate level and Be flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of student interests and backgrounds. There are no required courses in the program, but students are strongly encouraged to develop an emphasis in the courses which make up their individual plan of study; such an emphasis provides both focus and depth in the graduate experience.