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Search Results for "PSYC 4810"


This course presents ethical and legal issues relevant to research and practice in behavior analysis. This class will provide undergraduate students with knowledge of ethic codes and legal statues that guide the field of applied behavior analysis and psychology more broadly. The primary emphasis will be the practical application of ethics to clinic, school, and community settings where children and adolescents are the recipients of services. Class topics related to ethics will be: principles, decision making, assessment and practice, supervision, research, responsibilities to the field of applied behavior analysis, and responsibility in public statements.

Prerequisite(s): PSYC 1010. Not open to non-degree graduate students.

Human Resources and Training Certificate
The purpose of the graduate certificate in human resources and training (HRST) is to help post-baccalaureate students and working professionals expand their educational background and enhance their knowledge and skills in either human resources or training and development. The first concentration, human resources, focuses on enhancing organizational effectiveness through employee recruitment, selection, placement, performance evaluation, motivation, and retention. The second concentration, training and development, focuses on enhancing training skills and program design including developing, implementing, assessing, and delivering training programs. The HRST certificate is useful for individuals currently employed in the human resources or training fields and for individuals who desire to enter those fields. The graduate courses required for this certificate address both theory and application from the fields of communication, psychology, and business.