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SPED 4310  VOICE-TO-SIGN (3 credits)

This course begins consecutively interpreting monologues from the source language (English) to the target language (ASL). Students will listen to entire English monologues, process them, analyze them, and then choose appropriate ASL to match the message. The course provides instruction on refining and enhancing voice-to-sign skills, specifically simultaneously producing equivalent ASL messages from spoken English source messages. Students will learn to sign simultaneously and consecutively when viewing video or listening to audio of native English speakers from a variety of settings.

Prerequisite(s): GPA 2.75 or better and SPED 3110 and SPED 3114 with a grade of B- or higher, or special permission from the instructor. Score of intermediate or higher on either the ASL Proficiency Interview or the Sign Language Proficiency Interview.