Writing, MFA
https://catalog.unomaha.edu/graduate/degree-programs-certificates-minors/writing/...format; screenwriting submissions should follow standard screenwriting format...a baccalaureate or other advanced degree from the...
...format; screenwriting submissions should follow standard screenwriting format...a baccalaureate or other advanced degree from the...
...fiction, creative nonfiction, and screenwriting. Students will also...may apply after one Advanced Studio to pursue...
This class will focus on the craft of screenwriting: plot, format, substance, style, scene development, film structure (both independent and main stream), three dimensional characters, and precise, professional dialogue. The student will complete a feature-length screenplay over course of the semester. There will be lectures and assigned reading. Once a month the student will view the current independent offering at Film Streams. This class will guide the student in completing a work portfolio, querying agents, applying to internships, and preparing for a career in film and television. (Cross-listed with WRWS 8606).
This class will build on the knowledge gained in Beginning Screenwriting Studio (WRWS 2600) and Intermediate Screenwriting Studio (WRWS 3600). The student will complete a second feature-length screenplay and an original pilot for television. There will be lectures and assigned reading. Once a month the student will view the current independent offering at Film Streams. This class will guide the student in completing a work portfolio, querying agents, applying to internships, and preparing for a career in film and television after graduation.
Prerequisite(s): WRWS 2600 and WRWS 3600. Not open to non-degree graduate students.
This class will focus on the craft of screenwriting: plot, format, substance, style, scene development, film structure (both independent and main stream), three dimensional characters, and precise, professional dialogue. The student will complete a feature-length screenplay over course of the semester. There will be lectures and assigned reading. Once a month the student will view the current independent offering at Film Streams. This class will guide the student in completing a work portfolio, querying agents, applying to internships, and preparing for a career in film and television. (Cross-listed with WRWS 4600).
Prerequisite(s): Not open to non-degree graduate students.
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