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SOC 2120 is an intellectual history of sociology as an academic discipline surveying outstanding contributions to its body of theory. The social contexts in which a variety of classical and contemporary theoretical traditions have arisen will be considered. Stress is placed on understanding and applying different approaches to sociological analysis through detailed textual interpretation of theoretical writings.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 1010 and Sociology major or permission of instructor. Not open to non-degree graduate students.

Sociology & Anthropology

Sociology and Anthropology are the broadest of the social sciences. Sociology is the scientific study of human relationships. Sociologists seek to understand the ways that often unseen social forces shape our lives. Anthropology is the holistic study of human biology and culture across time and place. Anthropologists typically work within one of four sub-disciplines: archaeology, biological anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and socio-cultural anthropology.

Sociology, MA

...graduate courses. ANTH 1050, SOC 1010, SOC 2120, SOC 2130, SOC 2134 should be completed...