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Search Results for "CSCI 8050"


The overall of the goal is to introduce advanced concepts in graph theory, graph modeling, and graph algorithms and how they can be used to solve a wide range of problems in various application domains. The course introduces students to several applied path algorithms, clustering and partitioning techniques, network flow algorithms, and weighted matching algorithms. Other advanced concepts associated with complex networks include node centralities in graphs and community detection approaches. The course will also introduce students to key classes of graphs with a particular focus on the main classes of Perfect Graphs and their applications in scheduling, chip design, mobile computing, and Biomedical Informatics. (Cross-listed with MATH 8050).

Prerequisite(s): CSCI 3320 or CSCI 8325 and MATH 4150 or MATH 8156 or permission of instructor. Not open to non-degree graduate students.