College of Information Science & Technology

Our Values

  • CREATE COMMUNITY: Our faculty, students, and staff create community as we cannot shape technology without others.
  • INSPIRE DIVERSE VOICES: The inspiration of diverse voices is our focus because the strongest communities empower all members, not just the majority.
  • SHAPE THE FUTURE: The work our faculty, students, and staff do with and for these diverse communities shape the future.
  • TEACH LEADERSHIP: We teach leadership as we cannot shape the future without creating more leaders.

Our Vision

We will be a premier college with excellence in education, research, and service in the disciplines necessary to meet the needs of our students and the communities we serve.

Our Mission

We deliver student-focused education and perform cutting-edge research, preparing professionals and developing solutions that benefit the world. (We do cool stuff.)

In order to accomplish the College of IS&T’s vision and mission, the faculty and staff strive to achieve the following three strategic goals:

  1. Keep students at the center of all College of IS&T efforts;
  2. Strive to achieve the highest academic excellence; and
  3. Actively lead and collaborate with academic, business, and community entities on various projects related to information science and technology.

The College of IS&T is focused on reaching the next level of information technology innovation through collaboration. This collaboration is fostered by the presence of the College in the Peter Kiewit Institute and is visible in the form of research, teaching, and service/outreach initiatives in partnership with our public and private stakeholders in the community, other academic units across the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and the rest of the University of Nebraska system.

General Information

Overview of Programs

The College is organized into three major units that manage the degree programs: the Department of Computer Science (CS), the Department of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis (ISQA), and the School of Interdisciplinary Informatics (Si2).

The College of IS&T offers five undergraduate degree programs:

  1. BS in Bioinformatics 
  2. BS in Computer Science 
  3. BS in Cybersecurity 
  4. BS in Information Technology Innovation 
  5. BS in Management Information Systems 

The College of IS&T also offers a minor in each of these five undergraduate degree programs.

Accreditation/External Designation Information

Major Degree Accreditation Body
Computer Science BS ABET
Management Information Systems BS ABET
Cybersecurity BS NSA CAE-CD, CAE-CO

Choice of Catalog Policy

A student registering in the College of IS&T for the first time will work with an advisor to develop a matriculation form based on the current online catalog. The matriculation form is used to establish a plan of study for students in the College and will be the primary source for a student’s most current academic plan, provided the student has continuous enrollment.

It is the responsibility of each student admitted to the College of Information Science & Technology to become familiar with the procedures and regulations in the undergraduate catalog for their degree program. The College of Information Science & Technology reserves the right, after due notice during the course of a student’s work toward a degree, to institute and make effective any new ruling which may be necessary for the general good of the College and to substitute courses for those no longer offered.

College Contact Information

Dean's Office: 402.554.2380
Advising: 402.554.3819

Program Website

Admission Requirements for the College of IS&T

Application deadlines for the College of Information Science & Technology are as follows:

Fall Semester - First day of fall semester classes
Spring Semester - First day of spring semester classes
Summer Sessions - July 1

Incoming first year students must meet general university admission requirements to be admitted into the College of Information Science & Technology.

Transfer admission from other colleges or universities: Students may transfer into the College of Information Science & Technology from other institutions by completing the application process described above and meeting the minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 (on a 4.00 scale) with a minimum of 12 credit hours.

Academic Requirements for Degrees in the College of IS&T

Number of Hours to Graduate

A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for a Bachelor of Science degree in the College of IS&T. 

Minimum GPA

A GPA of 2.5 or higher is required to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of IS&T.

College of IS&T Bachelor of Science Requirements

Please see individual College of IS&T degree subsections for specific Bachelor of Science requirements.

Transfer Credit Policy

A maximum of 64 credit hours are accepted from an accredited community college. A minimum grade of C- is required to transfer credits toward College of IS&T degree programs with the exception of business courses and the equivalent of UNO's CIST 1400 and CSCI 1620, which require a grade of C or better.

Unacceptable Credits

Courses such as ENGL 1090ENGL 1100, MATH 1210, and orientation courses in other colleges or divisions may not be counted as part of the minimum 120 credit hours for College of IS&T degree programs. The course, US 1010 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills for the Modern Day Student, can, however, be counted as elective credit if taken within the first 30 hours of the degree program. A maximum of four credit hours of different Physical Education Activities (PEA) courses may be applied toward the general elective area.

Retroactive Credit Policy

Advanced Placement Credits

Military Credit

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

Placement Exams and Credit by Examinations Policies/Practices

Residency Requirement

Thirty of the last 36 credit hours must be University of Nebraska at Omaha courses.

Quality of Work

Students in a College of IS&T undergraduate program must obtain a grade of C- or better in each class for the purpose of meeting General Education, College of Information Science & Technology (IS&T), and Departmental requirements for College of IS&T degrees with the exception of CIST 1400 and CSCI 1620, which require a minimum grade of C. Programs may have additional quality of work requirements. 

Good Academic Standing Policy

A minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 is required by the College of Information Science & Technology.

Student Academic Course Load

Students shall not carry 18 or more semester hours of work during the fall semester, 19 or more semester hours during the spring semester and 12 semester hours during the summer sessions unless they have maintained an average of “B” (3.0) in a regular 15-hour load during the preceding semester. Permission to register for additional semester hours should be obtained from the student’s academic advisor.  For more details, see the University Enrollment Policies.

Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) Grades

Courses required for College of IS&T undergraduate programs may be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis as described by the University Policy with the following limitations: 

  • A minimum grade of C- is required in to be awarded Credit in undergraduate courses applied to IS&T undergraduate major, minor, or certificate program requirements.
  • Credit/No Credit may not be used for completion of CIST1400 or CSCI1620 in any IS&T undergraduate major, minor, or certificate.
  • A maximum of nine credit hours taken on a Credit/No Credit basis can be applied to College of IS&T undergraduate major requirements, excluding free electives and general education courses not specifically required by the major. Use of Credit/No Credit for free elective and unrestricted general education courses in an IS&T undergraduate degree program of study are subject to general University limits.
  • A maximum of three hours taken as Credit/No Credit can be applied to meet graduation requirements for any IS&T minor or undergraduate certificate.

Individual majors, minors, or certificate programs within IS&T may place further limitations on the use of Credit/No Credit to meet program requirements.  Any such restrictions must be published in the corresponding catalog entry for each program, and the College policy applies in the absence thereof.  Students should consult with their academic advisors if they have questions about Credit/No Credit within specific programs.

Students taking IS&T-based courses that are majoring in degree programs outside of IS&T are encouraged to consult with advising staff from their major to determine whether an IS&T course taken as Credit/No Credit can be used towards their graduation requirements.

For deadlines related to electing CR/NC and other restrictions relative to its use based on a student’s class standing, see the campus policy.

Completion of an Incomplete Grade

To receive an incomplete, students must contact their instructor prior to the end of the semester, request a grade of incomplete, and make arrangements to complete the work. The rules which govern the issuance of an incomplete are as follows:

  1. The grade “I” is used by an instructor at the end of a semester or summer session to designate incomplete work in a course. It is given when a student, due to circumstances such as illness, military service, hardship, or death in the immediate family, is unable to complete the requirements of the course in the term in which the student is registered for credit. Incompletes will only be given if the student has already substantially completed the major requirements of the course.
  2. Each instructor will judge each situation. The instructor will document the incomplete work and the conditions for removal of the incomplete grade, provide a copy to the student, and file this with the Assistant Dean for Student Success.  If the instructor is at the University at the time of removal, they will supervise the makeup work and report the permanent grade.
  3. In the event the instructor is not available at the time of the student’s application for removal of an incomplete, the department chairperson will supervise the removal of the incomplete and turn in the permanent grade for the student.
  4. A student shall have no longer than the end of the next regular semester following receipt of the “I” to remove the incomplete. After that time, the “I” will automatically become a “W,” or such other grade specified by the instructor depending on the amount and quality of the coursework previously completed. Exceptions to this rule will be permitted if initiated by the student and approved by the instructor, department chairperson, and dean. Exceptions to this rule will be made only in response to circumstances over which the student has no control, and these must be detailed.
  5. In registering for courses, students receiving one or more “I” grades from the previous semester should take into account the time needed to complete the required work and plan their schedules accordingly.

Repeatable Grades/Courses

Grade Appeal Policy and Process

Students who wish to appeal a grade which they feel was capriciously or prejudicially given shall first attempt to resolve the issue through discussion with the instructor responsible for the course within 30 days of the final course grade being posted. If a satisfactory resolution is not possible after discussion with the instructor, the student may then submit a written grade appeal to the department/school chair/director, providing a detailed justification for the appeal, including any supporting materials, and indicating why the student believes the grade determination was prejudicial or capricious. The department chair or school director will try to resolve the grade issue with the student and the instructor. If the chair/director determines that the appeal cannot be resolved at their level, a faculty-student appeals committee will be appointed by them. This committee will consist of a student representative chosen from nominations made by IS&T undergraduate advisors; and, three members of the department faculty - one selected by the student submitting the appeal, one selected by the instructor for the class, and one selected by the chair/director to chair the committee. This committee will meet to evaluate the grade appeal. During that meeting the instructor, the student, and any other appropriate parties invited to speak by the committee may present their justifications. If the committee finds that the grade was not assigned in a prejudicial or capricious manner, the appeal is considered concluded, and the student and the instructor are so notified. If the grade appeal is supported, the chair/director will report the finding to the student and the instructor, and will direct the registrar to change the grade to that determined by the appeal committee.

Academic Amnesty

POLICY STATEMENT: Academic Amnesty provides relief from a poor academic record acquired within the University of Nebraska system by excluding substandard coursework with a final grade of “D” or “F” from a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) calculation. Academic Amnesty will not remove course(s) or grade(s) from the transcript but once granted, will not count as part of the overall GPA.


To be eligible for Academic Amnesty, students must:  

  • Have been out of the Nebraska system for at least one calendar year (12-month period).
  • Have substandard coursework (“F” or “D” grades) earned within the University of Nebraska system (UNO, UNL, UNK, UNMC) prior to the year out (substandard grades earned after the year out will not be included in the Academic Amnesty contract).
  • Be admitted as a degree-seeking student at the University of Nebraska.

Amnesty Requirements:

  • Academic Amnesty will begin with the first course(s) taken upon return to UNO.
  • Students may apply for Academic Amnesty at any time after taking the one-year break.
  • After returning from the one-year break, demonstrate academic success in new UNO coursework.
    Academic success may be demonstrated by one of the following:
    • Completing at least 12 semester hours (simultaneous or sequential) with a minimum of 3.0 cumulative GPA,
    • Completing at least 24 semester hours (simultaneous or sequential) with a minimum of 2.5 cumulative GPA.
  • Students must maintain continuous enrollment (at least six (6) semester hours completed within any 12-month period).
  • Students will work with their academic advisor to select the coursework to be amnestied.
  • Students must inform an academic advisor when the Academic Amnesty requirements are met.


  • All amnestied coursework will remain on the student’s academic record (transcript); however, the courses will not be included in calculation of the student’s grade point average. Courses will be annotated “Academic Amnesty Excluded from GPA” on the transcript.
  • Once Academic Amnesty is granted, students will not be eligible for honors at graduation. Students are still eligible for Dean’s List and Chancellor’s List honors.
  • While demonstrating academic success, no changes are made to the student’s academic record. If a student’s cumulative GPA is still below standard, the students will continue to be reported as “continued on probation.” Should the student revert to substandard academic performance while working on Academic Amnesty, the student can still be suspended. Academic Amnesty is intended to provide relief from the past without providing immunity from future substandard academic performance.
  • Students must still meet all university and college requirements to graduate.

Academic Probation and Suspension


Probation constitutes a period of formal warning that a student is doing unsatisfactory work. A student whose cumulative grade point average is below 2.0 after having attempted six or more semester hours of study will be placed on probation. Probationary status will remain in effect as long as the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) remains below 2.0. No student will be allowed to enroll for any course on a Pass/Fail or Credit/No Credit basis while on probation.

The student is encouraged to use every opportunity while on probation to seek counsel and guidance from various university agencies which have been established to offer assistance and academic support. For information on such services, the student should consult with their academic advisor or counselor.


Students who are on probation will be suspended at the end of the spring semester if their semester grade point average is lower than 2.0 and their cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below the following standards:

Hours Attempted Cumulative GPA
0-12 No Suspension
13-45 1.75
46 or more 2.00

Academic suspension under these conditions will be automatic and will be for a minimum period of one year.

Students placed on suspension will be notified by the College of Information Science & Technology and given instructions on how to appeal, should they choose to do so, as well as any applicable deadlines associated with an appeal.

Appeals properly filed shall delay implementation of the suspension until the appropriate appeal committee has ruled on the appeal. However, if the appeal is denied, the student shall be disenrolled and tuition shall be refunded.

Students will only be suspended at the end of the spring term. This rule applies to all UNO colleges, including the Division of Continuing Studies and all University of Nebraska-Lincoln Omaha-based programs in the Colleges of Architecture, Agriculture, Education and Human Resources, and Engineering.

Reinstatement Policy Following Academic Suspension

Academic Advising

The College of IS&T’s undergraduate academic advisors recognize that students have individual academic, career, and personal needs that may require special assistance. Below are some guidelines on how academic advisors help ensure success. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with their advisor regularly.

What do IS&T academic advisors do?

IS&T academic advisors explain the rules and requirements of College of IS&T programs and help students understand how they apply to individual situations. The advisors prepare each student record so that students meet all the requirements for the degree in the final audit process. In addition, advisors provide advice about which degree-program specific courses and scheduling will be most helpful. They can also help with difficult situations such as concerns about grades, course instruction, time management, scheduling conflicts, or other academic issues.

When should I see an academic advisor?

First and second-year students in the College of IS&T are required to meet with an advisor every semester. Third and fourth-year students in good academic standing are strongly encouraged, though not required, to continue to meet with an advisor at least once per semester to plan their classes, to make sure all records are up-to-date, and to catch any problems early. All fourth-year students are required to schedule a meeting for a graduation check when they reach 91 earned hours. Students majoring in IT Innovation are required to meet with an academic advisor every semester.

Any student whose GPA falls below 2.5 will be required to meet with an academic advisor regardless of class standing. 

Advising Holds

Advising holds are automatically placed each semester for first-year students, second-year students, all IT Innovation students, and for any student whose GPA is below a 2.5. 

Student Holds

Graduation Check

When students reach 91 hours of completed coursework, they must request a graduation check to be done by an academic advisor. Assuming satisfactory completion of all approved courses and degree requirements, this process will assure the student’s graduation date. Should this procedure not be followed, responsibility for meeting graduation requirements falls to the student and may prevent graduation on the anticipated date.

Application for Degree

Each student who expects to receive a diploma must file an Application for Degree whether or not that student plans to attend the commencement ceremony. The Application for Degree is available online by logging in to MavLINK. Announcements about deadlines are also posted in MavLINK.

It is the responsibility of the student to inform the Registrar’s Office of their graduation plans and to provide a diploma mailing address. Failure to meet these stipulations may necessitate postponement of graduation until the following semester.