College of Public Affairs and Community Service


The College of Public Affairs and Community Service (CPACS) was established in 1973 to ensure university responsiveness to the critical social needs of the community and state. The college was charged with the mission of providing educational programs of the highest caliber to prepare students for leadership in public service and reaching out to the community to help solve public problems.

The mission of the College of Public Affairs and Community Service is to:

  1. Foster a learning environment in which undergraduate students, graduate students, adult learners and both traditional and nontraditional students can gain a comprehensive and quality education helpful in preparing for careers in their respective fields;
  2. Conduct research, especially as it relates to concerns of local and statewide constituencies; and,
  3. Offer professional services to the community, including continuing education opportunities designed to further personal, professional, organizational, and community improvement goals.

General Information

The College of Public Affairs and Community Service (CPACS) offers undergraduate coursework leading to the Bachelor of Science Degree in aviation, criminology and criminal justice, gerontology, social work, and emergency management. The Division of Continuing Studies administers the Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (BMS) Degree.  In addition to its undergraduate degree programs, CPACS offers courses in urban studies, nonprofit management, and public administration; the Goodrich Scholarship Program, a specialized program for students with marked financial need; and particular areas of independent study developed in conjunction with other UNO colleges or governmental units.

The College of Public Affairs and Community Service strives to make available to students an interdisciplinary education based on classroom learning, research, and community service. Students are expected to participate in each of these activities.

Goodrich Scholarship Program

The Goodrich Scholarship Program is designed to provide scholarship funds and supportive services for students with financial need. The overall intent of the program is to provide a college education for persons who might otherwise find college difficult to afford, while offering them a broad and meaningful experience in general education. The program has a three-pronged approach. It provides 1) financial aid in the form of tuition and general fees toward a bachelor’s degree; 2) a specialized curriculum emphasizing the humanities and the social sciences via a multicultural perspective; and, 3) a comprehensive program of academic and non-academic student services support. 

Admission to the Goodrich Scholarship Program

A composite of selection criteria is used to evaluate both merit and financial need. Criteria include the individual’s application data, financial analysis, academic record, in-person interview, personal life-experience essay, and references. For more information, contact the Goodrich Scholarship Program:

Goodrich Scholarship Program
123 College of Public Affairs and Community Service
University of Nebraska at Omaha
6001 Dodge Street
Omaha, NE 68182
Phone – 402.554.2274


Center for Public Affairs Research

The Center for Public Affairs Research collaboratively produces and disseminates high-quality public scholarship about topics that impact the lives of Nebraskans. Ongoing projects from CPAR, include policy analyses for the Planning Committee of the Nebraska State Legislature, the Nebraska Rural Transit Project,, and designation by the U.S. Census Bureau as a statewide liaison for disseminating a range of data products. To learn more about CPAR and access many of our data resources go to

The William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies

The William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies provides relevant and timely education for Nebraska wage earners, union leaders, labor organizations, and citizens to help attain the American Dream for all. Through non-credit educational instruction, wage earners gain knowledge and skills to be effective leaders in a democratic labor movement in a democratic society. 

University Honors Program

The University Honors Program provides expanded educational opportunities for highly motivated students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. Students entering or enrolled in any CPACS undergraduate program may apply for membership in UNO’s Honors Program. For more information, contact the CPACS Honors Coordinator in the CPACS Dean’s Office or a CPACS academic advisor.

Dean’s List

Students enrolled in the College of Public Affairs and Community Service who maintain a GPA of 3.5 or better while carrying 12 hours or more of graded course work will earn the distinction of being placed on the Dean’s Honor List at the end of each semester. Part-time students must earn a GPA of 3.5 or better for courses taken at UNO on a continuous part-time basis. These students may be placed on the Dean’s List when they complete course work in 12 semester hour blocks at UNO (i.e., 12, 24, 48, etc.). Continuous part-time basis is defined as taking one or more courses totaling 1-11 semester hours during each fall and spring semester each academic year.

Accreditation Information

Major Degree Accreditation Body
Aviation: Specialization in Air Transport Administration BS Aviation Accreditation Board, International (AABI)
Public Administration MPA Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA)
Social Work BSSW MSW Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)

Choice of Catalog Policy

A student registering in the College of Public Affairs and Community Service for the first time may, except for the limitations described below, complete work for the degree according to the requirements of the catalog in effect the year the student enters the college or the catalog current at the time the student applies for the degree.

Students entering the college for the first time in the summer will be subject to the catalog for the academic year immediately following. Failure to complete the requirements for the degree within seven years after the date the student first enters the college will subject the student to graduation under the requirements of a later catalog to be approved by the Dean. CPACS reserves the right to institute and make effective, after due notice, during the course of a student’s work toward a degree, any new ruling which may be necessary for the general good of the college and to substitute courses currently offered for those no longer offered. Contact a DCS academic advisor for Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies Degree catalog information.

Contact Information

CPACS Deans Office |109 CPACS
University of Nebraska at Omaha
6001 Dodge Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68182
Phone – 402.554.2276
Fax – 402.554.4871

College Website