The mission of the UNO College of Business Administration is to teach and inspire diverse learners and connect them to organizations within and beyond the classroom, emphasizing innovative and career-focused learning, combined with transformative research, business collaboration, and community engagement that advance individual and regional prosperity.
College of Business Administration Vision
The vision of the UNO College of Business Administration is to be the business school of choice for hard-working learners of all backgrounds.
Other Information Relevant to the College of Business Administration
Attendance at First CBA Class Meeting
Students not present at the first class meeting of a College of Business Course, without prior notification to the instructor, may be administratively withdrawn from the course.
Accreditation Information
The UNO College of Business Administration undergraduate and graduate programs are accredited by AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). This is the highest level of accreditation possible for a College of Business.
The Accounting Programs in the UNO College of Business Administration hold supplemental Accounting Accreditation by AACSB. Less than 200 Accounting Programs worldwide have earned this supplemental AACSB Accounting Accreditation.
Accreditation Body
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Business Administration
Executive MBA
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Business Administration
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Banking and Financial Markets
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Business Analytics
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Business Finance
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Human Resource Management
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
International Business
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Investment Science & Portfolio Management
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Legal Studies
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Management & Leadership
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Real Estate & Land Use
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International)
Choice of Catalog Policy
The catalog year (requirement term) ties the student to the catalog year curriculum that they are required to follow and determines the contract of degree requirements a student must fulfill in order to graduate. Generally, the catalog year defaults to the same academic year that the student entered the University in a degree program. If a UNO student transfers from another degree program to the BSBA degree, the catalog year will be the academic year in which the student transferred into the BSBA degree program. Alternatively, a student may choose to follow all of the program and policy requirements outlined by any single catalog in effect during subsequent terms of continuous enrollment. Requests for change of catalog year must be approved by a CBA Academic Advisor. Students who have not been enrolled for two or more years will complete the program under the catalog for the academic year in which they return. For students continuously enrolled, a seven-year rule applies in that the catalog for students who have been continuously enrolled can only extend back seven years.
Beta Gamma Sigma
Beta Gamma Sigma is the international scholastic honor society in the field of business. Election to membership is available to both undergraduate and graduate students in business. Selection is based upon outstanding scholastic achievement.
Business is a broad, flexible, and valuable field of study. Students who graduate with a business degree can choose from a variety of professions in numerous industries and fields. Individuals with business degrees may find career opportunities working in government, large, mid-size, and small companies, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher education. A business degree prepares students for a wide variety of fulfilling and flexible careers, thus providing the opportunity to match personal interests and skills with professional ambitions, as well as allowing for the opportunity to pivot and flex careers as opportunities arise. Examples of potential business-related careers are provided by each department.
For additional information about Business careers, please contact the CBA Career Center. Website:
Incoming freshman must meet general university admission requirements to be admitted into the College of Business Administration. Transfer students and current UNO students must have a minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA to be admitted into the College of Business Administration.
Students must earn a minimum of 120 credit hours in courses acceptable to the College of Business Administration to earn a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree.
42 semester hours must be earned in upper-division courses (3000-4000 level classes).
BSBA students earn 24 upper-division (3000/4000 level) credit hours in the business core curriculum and 18-24 hours in their BSBA concentrations.
The College of Business Administration does not require any physical education activity (PEA) courses. A maximum of four hours of PEA courses from different areas may be applied toward the degree.
A maximum of 24 credit hours may be applied from successful completion of non-business courses taken on a Credit/No Credit basis.
For a BSBA business core, BSBA concentration, or business elective course to fulfill BSBA requirements, it must be taken on a letter-grade basis and the student must earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or higher.
A maximum of six hours of professional development course credit may be taken from any educational body if evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) as equivalent to collegiate credit, and then may be applied toward the degree. Such credit may be used for non-business electives. The department chair must give written approval if a course is to be used for concentration elective hours or as a substitute for a required concentration course. Professional development courses are not applicable to BSBA business core courses.
Remedial courses and orientation courses at other institutions will not apply to the 120 minimum credit hours.
Requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) Degree
Undergraduate students who complete a degree from UNO’s College of Business Administration earn a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) with at least one area of concentration. (See the complete list of BSBA concentrations)
All BSBA concentrations require 18 credit hours, except Accounting, which requires 24 credit hours.
Some concentrations or secondary concentrations require students to earn a “C+” or better in specific foundation courses. Specifically, MKT 3310 is the foundation course for the Marketing concentration as well as for the Marketing secondary concentration. MKT 3310 & MKT 3100 are the foundation courses for Sales concentration as well as for the Sales secondary concentration. Finally, FNBK 3250 & FNBK 3300 are the foundation courses for the Business Finance, Banking and Financial Markets, and Investment Science & Portfolio Management concentrations as well as the Business Finance, Banking and Financial Markets, and Investment Science & Portfolio Management secondary concentrations.
To meet requirements for the BSBA degree, students must earn a minimum of 120 credit hours in courses acceptable to the College of Business Administration, 42 of those credits must be upper division courses (3000-4000 level), with the following requirements:
Business GPA of 2.50 or above
Cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above
GPA of 2.50 or above for all upper division accounting courses (excluding ACCT 3000, ACCT 4500, and ACCT 4510) for the accounting concentration & secondary concentration.
No grade below a “C” (2.0) will be counted as satisfactory completion of BSBA degree MAJOR REQUIREMENTS, including CBA BSBA business core courses, BSBA concentration courses, business elective courses, ENGL 1150, ENGL 1160, CMST 1110, and MATH 1370 (or MATH 1930).
Transfer Credit Policy
CBA will accept an upper-division BSBA business core course, BSBA concentration, or business elective course completed with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better at an AACSB accredited institution.
In order for an upper-division BSBA business core course to be accepted from a non-AACSB institution, the course must have been completed with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better and the student must complete an additional upper-division course (with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better) from an AACSB accredited institution within the same department to validate the transfer course. Please contact your CBA advisor to learn more about validation.
Residency Requirement
The last 30 of 36 consecutive semester hours for a degree must be earned following admission to the University of Nebraska at Omaha. A minimum of nine (9) of the twenty-four (24) required business core hours and one-half of the required concentration hours must be completed at UNO.
Any students earning below a 2.50 cumulative GPA for any semester while enrolled in the BSBA degree program will be placed on a “warning status.” No grade below a “C” (2.0) will be counted as satisfactory completion of BSBA degree MAJOR REQUIREMENTS, including CBA BSBA business core courses, BSBA concentration courses, business elective courses, ENGL 1150, ENGL 1160, CMST 1110, and MATH 1370 (or MATH 1930).
Any grade earned, excluding CR, W, NC, NR, I, IP, AU, S, U or R will count as an attempt for the three times limit.
The Undergraduate Program Council will only consider appeals of the three-attempt rule when the circumstances for the appeal are documented and the reason for the appeal is extraordinary.
Upper-division accounting courses may be taken only twice.
Students who wish to appeal a grade which they feel was capriciously or prejudicially awarded shall first discuss the matter with the instructor and/or the department chairperson. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the student may submit a written appeal to the CBA Associate Dean by the deadlines listed below.
For a course completed during the fall semester: The last business day in January
For a course completed during the spring semester: The last business day in June
For a course completed during any of the summer sessions: the last business day in September
The CBA Undergraduate Grade Appeal Committee will hold a grade appeal hearing to make a final determination based on the facts presented.
Academic Amnesty
A student may remove one or two semester’s grades from the student’s cumulative GPA and degree consideration by petitioning for academic amnesty in the CBA advising office. Removal of grades via academic amnesty shall be by entire semester(s). Students are allowed a maximum of two (2) semesters of amnesty.
Petitioning students, after the term(s) for which they are seeking amnesty, must have completed 12 consecutive hours with a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Students who are granted academic amnesty will not be eligible for degree with academic honors.
Academic amnesty will remove a CBA core course attempt from the Three-Attempt Rule under Repeatable Grades/Courses. The petition for academic amnesty is submitted to the academic advisor and the advisor will apply this policy to approve or deny the petition on behalf of the Undergraduate Program Council.
The aim and purpose of academic advising is to assist students in meeting the requirements of the degree program and to interpret college policies regarding academic requirements. In the College of Business Administration, academic advising is carried out by CBA’s undergraduate advisors. Students should consult an academic advisor whenever questions arise concerning academic programs, but especially prior to registering for freshman year and registering for senior year.
Students may declare a BSBA concentration when applying to the university or at any point.
Students who did not declare a BSBA concentration when applying to the university must meet with a CBA advisor to complete the BSBA declaration process.
Senior Check
A senior check will be processed for each BSBA student upon completion of 90 credit hours. This audit provides an official list of the student’s remaining degree requirements. Students will be required to meet with an advisor to review the senior check. Final responsibility for scheduling courses and satisfactorily completing curriculum requirements for any degree rests with the student.